photo 1-2

  1. Fruit slices with peanut butter
  • Choose a fruit (Apple and Banana are best) and dip slices in peanut butter
  • 1 purple, 1 Tsp

photo 1 copy 2

  1. Kale Chips
  • Mix 1-2 green containers of Kale with 1-2 tsp of olive oil, spread out on baking sheet, sprinkle with some sea salt and pepper and bake at 400 degrees for 10-15 minutes, until crispy
  • 1-2 Green, 1-2 Tsp (depends on what you use)

photo 3

  1. Fancy Oats
  • Make some oatmeal the night before and mix with some fruit or unsweetened shredded coconut
  • 1 Yellow, 1 Purple (Fruit) or 1 Orange (Coconut)

photo 2-2

  1. Pineapple and Cottage Cheese
  • Mix sliced pineapple (fresh or 100% fruit juice) with 2% cottage cheese
  • 1 Red, 1 Purple
  1. Tuna and hot sauce
  • Drain one can of tuna fish and top with tobasco sauce to taste (removes the fishy taste)…also goes well with lemon and salt!
  • 1 red

photo 2 copy 2

  1. Grilled fruit quesadillas
  • 1 whole wheat tortilla, 1/3 banana, 3 strawberries, 1 tsp of nut butter, cinnamon.
  • Slice the banana and strawberries and set aside. Heat a griddle or frying pan on medium low heat.
  • Spread each tortilla with a tsp of the nut butter. Place banana and strawberry slices and sprinkle with cinnamon.
  • Place the prepared tortilla on the pan and cook until golden brown and the nut butter has gotten all gooey and melted.
  • Fold over the tortilla to make a quesadilla.
  • 1 purple, 1 yellow, 1 tsp

photo 3-2

  1. Shakeology Bark
  • 1tbsp coconut oil, 1 scoop of chocolate shakeology
  • melt oil, slowly mix in shakeology
  • pour onto sheet of aluminum oil and freeze
  • consider additional mix ins (nuts, fruit, shredded coconut)
  • 1 red, 1 tsp, (add containers for add ins)
  1. Strawberry frozen yogurt
  • 1 purple container of frozen strawberries, ½ red container of greek yogurt, juice from ½ lemon, 1tsp of honey
  • blend in food processor and enjoy!
  • 1 purple, 1 red, 1 tsp

Want more information on the fix? Send me an email! I’d love to chat 🙂