

A little more creative and still easy to-go 21 Day Fix snacks

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  1. Fruit slices with peanut butter
  • Choose a fruit (Apple and Banana are best) and dip slices in peanut butter
  • 1 purple, 1 Tsp

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  1. Kale Chips
  • Mix 1-2 green containers of Kale with 1-2 tsp of olive oil, spread out on baking sheet, sprinkle with some sea salt and pepper and bake at 400 degrees for 10-15 minutes, until crispy
  • 1-2 Green, 1-2 Tsp (depends on what you use)

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  1. Fancy Oats
  • Make some oatmeal the night before and mix with some fruit or unsweetened shredded coconut
  • 1 Yellow, 1 Purple (Fruit) or 1 Orange (Coconut)

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  1. Pineapple and Cottage Cheese
  • Mix sliced pineapple (fresh or 100% fruit juice) with 2% cottage cheese
  • 1 Red, 1 Purple
  1. Tuna and hot sauce
  • Drain one can of tuna fish and top with tobasco sauce to taste (removes the fishy taste)…also goes well with lemon and salt!
  • 1 red

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  1. Grilled fruit quesadillas
  • 1 whole wheat tortilla, 1/3 banana, 3 strawberries, 1 tsp of nut butter, cinnamon.
  • Slice the banana and strawberries and set aside. Heat a griddle or frying pan on medium low heat.
  • Spread each tortilla with a tsp of the nut butter. Place banana and strawberry slices and sprinkle with cinnamon.
  • Place the prepared tortilla on the pan and cook until golden brown and the nut butter has gotten all gooey and melted.
  • Fold over the tortilla to make a quesadilla.
  • 1 purple, 1 yellow, 1 tsp

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  1. Shakeology Bark
  • 1tbsp coconut oil, 1 scoop of chocolate shakeology
  • melt oil, slowly mix in shakeology
  • pour onto sheet of aluminum oil and freeze
  • consider additional mix ins (nuts, fruit, shredded coconut)
  • 1 red, 1 tsp, (add containers for add ins)
  1. Strawberry frozen yogurt
  • 1 purple container of frozen strawberries, ½ red container of greek yogurt, juice from ½ lemon, 1tsp of honey
  • blend in food processor and enjoy!
  • 1 purple, 1 red, 1 tsp

Want more information on the fix? Send me an email! I’d love to chat 🙂

Not-so-creative but Easy to-go 21 day fix snacks

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Green (Veggies)
• Baby carrots
• Broccoli florets
• Cucumbers
• Grape tomatoes
• Celery sticks
• Peppers
(Pair them with some guacamole or homemade hummus…see below)

Purple (Fruits)
• Berries
• Grapes
• Apple slices
• Banana (remember 1 banana=2 purple)

Red (Protein)
• Shakeology
• 2 hard boiled eggs
• greek yogurt
• roasted chickpeas

Blue (healthy fats & cheese)
• nuts (almonds, cashews, peanuts, walnuts)
• string cheese
• lowfat cottage cheese
• homemade hummus
• avocado slices

Yellow (Carbs)
• whole grain crackers
• whole wheat toast

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  • 1 15-ounce can chickpeas, rinsed
  • 1 clove garlic
  • ¼ cup Olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
  • 2 tablespoons tahini (optional)
  • 1 teaspoon ground cumin
  • kosher salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon paprika
  1. In a food processor, puree the chickpeas and garlic with the olive oil, lemon juice, tahini (if using), cumin, and ¾ teaspoon salt until smooth and creamy. Add 1 to 2 tablespoons water as necessary to achieve the desired consistency.
  2. Transfer to a bowl and sprinkle with the paprika before serving.

Want more information on the fix? Send me an email! I’d love to chat 🙂

About those boobies…

One of the most difficult aspects of motherhood I have had to face is the challenge of breastfeeding. Even before Isabella was born I knew that I wanted to be her sole source of nutrition for as long as I could. The way I see it, God created women’s bodies to birth children and to nourish them in every way but sadly, our dreams don’t always come true. Within one month of her birth, Isabella had already lost an entire pound and her weight wasn’t coming back up. I was devastated. I felt like a failure. She cried ALL THE TIME. I tried everything-skin to skin, checking her latch, seeing all kind of specialists, trying all kinds of lactation recipes, nothing worked. Turns out I had “Insufficient glandular tissue.” Eventually I came to terms with it and introduced organic formula-the way she drank it you would’ve thought she was stranded on an island with no water. What a relief! I had spent all this time worried that I was failing as a mother when what I needed to do was worry about my child’s needs. After that, Isabella was a completely different baby. She was happy, she slept through the night and she was growing!

It’s now been 7 months and we are still breastfeeding but also proudly supplementing with donor milk when it’s available, organic formula and just recently we started solids. I’ve noticed that on days where I actually eat, and eat healthy I have an extra boost in supply and she nurses longer and is actually satisfied.

Whoever says breastfeeding is easy, has clearly never done it. You can read all the books, blogs and pins but the best thing you can do is listen to your baby and your mama instinct. There were times when it was painful and I wanted to give up but I’m thankful that I have had the right support and encouragement from those around me and I’m thankful for the many sleepless nights of snuggles and bonding that have allowed me to enjoy my precious baby girl so much more. Happy world breastfeeding week!

Let me explain myself…

Screen Shot 2015-08-03 at 4.13.38 PM So you’re probably asking yourself: what’s up with this 21 day fix thing? It’s real simple: 21 days of healthy, clean, simple portion controlled eating and 30 minute workouts that anyone can do (If I can do them, anyone can!). How easy is that?! They say it takes 21 days to make or break a habit so instead of going on some fad diet, learn how to live healthy for the rest of your life. No magic pill; no calorie, carb or point counting; no spending hours at the gym. I spent 8 years on different diets, shakes, and supplements– nothing I could stick to and nothing that truly worked. After having Isabella I’m at the heaviest I’ve ever been and let me tell you, it was getting quite depressing until I heard about this program. With the program you get:

  • 7 color-coded portion-control containers
  • Shakeology shaker cup
  • 6 easy-to-follow 30 minute workouts
  • 21 Day Fix workout calendar and eating plan to show you exactly what to do
  • Dirty 30 bonus workout
  • And Exclusive! When you click the banner below, you get a FREE bonus workout—Plyo Fix, a $19.95 value

You can lose up to 15lbs in 21 days! I’m already down 7lbs in 14 days! Even if you don’t have as much to lose as I do, this program really teaches you what healthy portions look like and if you see some of the before and after photos (still working on mine!) you can see the muscle tone some people build! I’m honestly very skeptical when it comes to something that sounds too good to be true but in this case I really am glad that I made the decision to start because in just a few weeks I already feel healthier, I have more energy, and I’m motivated to keep going for once. Stay tuned and I’ll prove myself! OR take a leap of faith and join me! Send me an email and join my next challenge group for: motivation, accountability, help with reaching your goals and feeling confident, meal planning help and more!

So, this is me…

IMG_0292I’m Dianna…26 years old, married to the love of my life for almost 2 years, mommy to the most beautiful 7 month year old I have ever seen (I know, I’m biased!), daughter, granddaughter, sister, me.

All my life I have been challenged with one thing: my weight. Sure, I could sit here and list all the different excuses as to how I’ve let myself get this far–growing up on Cuban food, my love for food, having a baby, my injured knee, etc…but where is that going to get me? Truth is: it’s my fault. I’ve abused of this one body that God gave me and instead of loving it, I grew to hate it.

For the past 8 years or so, I have been an avid yo-yo dieter. Supplements, shakes, starving myself, overworking myself, nothing healthy and nothing ever for myself…I always did it to make those around me happy. This time around I’m making a change for MYSELF. I want to love myself. I want to respect myself. I want this body to LIVE. I want to run in the park with my daughter. I want my daughter to grow up and love herself the way mommy did. I want my husband to think his wife is sexy. I want to inspire others with my journey. I want to help others on their own journeys with what I learn along the

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