Screen Shot 2015-08-03 at 4.13.38 PM So you’re probably asking yourself: what’s up with this 21 day fix thing? It’s real simple: 21 days of healthy, clean, simple portion controlled eating and 30 minute workouts that anyone can do (If I can do them, anyone can!). How easy is that?! They say it takes 21 days to make or break a habit so instead of going on some fad diet, learn how to live healthy for the rest of your life. No magic pill; no calorie, carb or point counting; no spending hours at the gym. I spent 8 years on different diets, shakes, and supplements– nothing I could stick to and nothing that truly worked. After having Isabella I’m at the heaviest I’ve ever been and let me tell you, it was getting quite depressing until I heard about this program. With the program you get:

  • 7 color-coded portion-control containers
  • Shakeology shaker cup
  • 6 easy-to-follow 30 minute workouts
  • 21 Day Fix workout calendar and eating plan to show you exactly what to do
  • Dirty 30 bonus workout
  • And Exclusive! When you click the banner below, you get a FREE bonus workout—Plyo Fix, a $19.95 value

You can lose up to 15lbs in 21 days! I’m already down 7lbs in 14 days! Even if you don’t have as much to lose as I do, this program really teaches you what healthy portions look like and if you see some of the before and after photos (still working on mine!) you can see the muscle tone some people build! I’m honestly very skeptical when it comes to something that sounds too good to be true but in this case I really am glad that I made the decision to start because in just a few weeks I already feel healthier, I have more energy, and I’m motivated to keep going for once. Stay tuned and I’ll prove myself! OR take a leap of faith and join me! Send me an email and join my next challenge group for: motivation, accountability, help with reaching your goals and feeling confident, meal planning help and more!